Baixing Products
Baishanzu brand carries the light of mushroom god and conveys the mission of "healthy products create a better life"
Mushroom Organic Extracts
Solutions designed specifically for mushroom marketing strategies
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Healthy products create a better life! Create fresh and organic mushroom products with you
Relying on Baixing's industrial chain layout, advanced production equipment and experience, brands can easily enter the edible fungus market, enjoy high-quality products and professional services, and achieve win-win development.
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Healthy products create a better life! Create fresh and organic mushroom products with you
Relying on Baixing's industrial chain layout, advanced production equipment and experience, brands can easily enter the edible fungus market, enjoy high-quality products and professional services, and achieve win-win development.
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Company headquarters: No. 11 Shuguang Road, Wudu Industrial Park, Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province